Singing Guide: Johnny Guitar

Singing Guide: Johnny Guitar

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Johnny Guitar has been one of the most influential guitarists of all time. His unique guitar playing style can be attributed to his legendary music, which features a perfect combination of raspy, soulful singing and blues-based rhythm guitar riffs. His work has influenced a wide range of generations of artists like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, and many others.

If you're a fan of Johnny Guitar and want to learn how to sing like him, the following tips and resources may help you:

Vocal Technique

  • Johnny Guitar's vocal style is characterized by applying a slight raspiness to his voice, giving it a distinctive depth and soulful tone.

  • To achieve this style, you should focus on using your throat and diaphragm muscles and learn how to control your airflow. Improving your breath control is crucial for emphasising emotions and expression.

  • Breathing philosophy and breathing techniques are important when it comes to learning how to sing with a raspy voice like Johnny Guitar.

Singing like Johnny Guitar

  • Johnny Guitar's music features blues notes, and his signature style is usually based on the pentatonic scale. When singing songs like "Johnny B Goode," focus on the blues scale, which is similar to the pentatonic scale.

  • Johnny Guitar's interpretation of blues is confident and energetic, and his music feels like he's telling a story. So, let your emotion soar when singing every word.

  • A few great Johnny Guitar songs include Johnny B Goode, No Particular Place to Go, Rock and Roll Music, Roll Over Beethoven, and much more. So, try to sing along with these songs to get an idea of the structure and cadence of his music.

Singing Carrots Resources

I hope these tips and resources will help you learn how to sing like Johnny Guitar. Keep in mind that this will take practice, patience, trial, and error, so stay motivated and don't give up!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.